Plant Order

Communication and customer portal for landfill operators.


Plant Order is the digital customer portal between landfill and the customer for requesting and processing waste disposal orders.

With Plant Order, the often tedious processing of disposal orders is digitized, standardized and thus more efficient. During processing, the current delivery status can be viewed online by both parties, eliminating the need for time-consuming queries by mail or telephone.

Note for operators of landfills:

Plant Order can only be used in conjunction with Plant Manager, our master and item data management application.


How does the request process work?

  1. The landfill operator invites his customers to use Plant Order
  2. Customers can use the Finder to view, filter, and request the inviter's receiving points
  3. Customers are guided through the request process quickly and efficiently. All necessary information and documents are captured and added to the request
  4. The landfill is happy to receive consistent and complete requests and can respond to them with offers via the N1-App Plant Manager.

What does Plant Order do during order processing?

If an order has been placed, Plant Order provides the customer with quick access to all relevant information and documents during processing:

  • Display of delivery progress
  • Download option for weighing and delivery notes
  • Notification before total quantity is reached
  • Direct communication channel to landfills